The Four Major Tie Knots (Plus One)

JoeyCC 056 © HLI 2009

Most guys tie their ties the same way every single time, and that’s that.  What they’re doing, most of the time, is tying their ties into the casual “Four-in-Hand” knot, which is really meant to be worn with casual clothes.  Of course, most guys have no idea that there are different tie knots, much less which one they’re using!  And so, a primer of the four most common tie knots.  There’s a LOT more, of course, but these are the basics!

Windsor Knot

Sometimes called the “Double Windsor” (because there’s a Half-Windsor), this is the most traditional, business-minded knot.  It’s probably the first knot you learned to make, but the reason you stopped using it is because it takes a long time to do compared to the Half-Windsor and the Four-in-Hand.  Don’t rush a Windsor!

windsorHalf-Windsor Knot

The Half-Windsor is basically the quick and dirty version of the Windsor.  The same basic, conservative, preppy style as the Windsor, but much easier to do!

halfwindsorFour-in-Hand Knot

As we’ve said, this is a casual knot, only to be used when you’re in a serious hurry, or trying, deliberately, to look casual.  But don’t feel bad if you use it, lots of guys do without realizing it!

4inhandPratt Knot

Also called the “Shelby Knot,” the Pratt represents a compromise between the Windsor and the Four-in-Hand.  It’s formal, but with a casual tinge, takes some effort, but not too much.  Neither narrow like the Four-in-Hand, nor large like the Windsor, this knot pairs well with almost any dress shirt!

prattBONUS: Eldredge Knot

The origins of this exotic, complicated knot are foggy, at best, but we do know that it’s become very popular in more fashionable circles in recent years.  We don’t suggest wearing this to work, but if you want to spice things up during a night out, give it a try!
